
I did a degree in Mathematics at the University of Sheffield, half of this degree was in Statistics. I was a Maths teacher for 13 years and I am now a full-time Maths Tutor. I have taught A Level Statistics for 17 years.

One thought on “About

  1. I have just found your site
    It is excellent. I am going to read all the stuff on Hattie later tonight.
    I too have a maths degree and this effect size business seems a bit like emperors clothes – we mustn’t question anything we’re told on an inset day of course.
    Have you heard of Jack Marwood – he has a site http://icingonthecakeblog.weebly.com/ excellent stuff on ofsted data
    Between the two of you, you may be able to bring the esablishment down.
    I’ll be in touch

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